Thursday, 29 May 2008

Retro cards and art courses

Making cards again... This time I used old pictures and ads from 1950's and 1960's magazines. They had a lovely sepia tone, which I love so much. There's a pause in my crochet projects, because I had to order some more yarn.

Next two weeks I'm going to be busy busy busy. I'll be teaching art courses for children. The first week will include ceramics, paper sculpture, painting and lino block printing. Sounds fun, but I'm also a bit nervous. I hope there'll be no bad injuries from lino cutting, especially for the younger kids. The students' age vary from 8 to 15 years. Quite a range!

The other week will be about computer graphics. We'll learn some scanning and image processing, basic stuff really. Children can use their own drawings and paintings, add text, turn them into posters and do different layouts. We'll see how it goes.


Anonymous said...

Hei Mari ja onneksi olkoon!
Osallistuit Mytologia Decooni, ja se kotiutui tänään. Arvon tekijöiden kesken pienen kiitoslahjan ja onni suosi sinua ;D

Julkaisin sivusi blogissani, mutta otan kuvan pois jos ennakoin väärin.. ajattelin että olet julkaissut ATC korttejasi blogissasi niin varmaan tuokin käy, mutta ilmoittele jos ei...

Kiitoslahja lähtee huomenna, aihesesta myös blogissani

-mari- said...

Ihanaa! Kiitoksia tuhannesti!!