Saturday, 24 November 2007

Crafting plans

I've been so busy with work that I haven't had time for crafting, and thats pretty sad. But I have all kinds of plans, and I even ordered some lovely new papers from Paperikierre. You see..

...can't wait to get my hands on these beauties. Well, if I bare to cut them at all! Maybe I'll just look at them and dream. Would that be a bit pathetic...

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Awesome Assemblage

I just read a wonderful book called "Pöytä kahdelle -ikkunan ääreltä" (Table for two -by the window) unfortunately it's not yet translated to other languages. Anna Kortelainen, an art historian and her husband Hannu Mäkelä, a writer, share their favorite art pieces and thoughts about them. First of all, it's an inspiring book about how you can form a very intimate relationship with an art piece, even if it hangs on a museum wall and is seen by hundreds of people every day. Secondly, there were some extremely interesting pieces, like these assemblages by Joseph Cornell.

Here's some more of Cornells work
and here are links to some other wonderful assemblage artists of today:
Dale Copeland
Frank Turek
Anu Tuominen
just to mention a few..

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Sense of snow

Traces in a fresh snow make me want to play sherlock holmes. Which animal left them? Or shoe prints... what kind of sneakers did he/she wear, did he run or walk slowly, and where did he go? What a delicious mystery to think about during an ordinary walk on a grey and damp sunday.

Someone was getting slightly bored while I took pictures of every single trace on the ground. He preferred sniffing them.

Monday, 5 November 2007

November downs

Oh, the dark november days... wish I could just stay in bed. It's nice to wait for christmas though and light candles in the evenings. I've been listening to PJ Harvey's new album White Chalk. It's beautiful but quite melancholic for this time of the year.

Things I've been doing to amuse myself after work:
-playing mahjong in internet (I'm really hooked on this)
-drinking lots of tea
-knitting colorful socks
-reading crime novels in bed (a macabre way to get amused)
-taking long baths

I should be doing art and crafts! But right now I'm too lazy. Maybe tomorrow.